September 2024

Don’t work harder. Work smarter.

Have you ever wondered why someone with the same job description as yours is earning more than you? It’s not about working harder; It is about working smarter. I know of two healthcare managers overseeing hospital operations, managing staff, and ensuring regulatory compliance. The same organisation. The same role. However, one makes £80,000 yearly, while […]

Don’t work harder. Work smarter. Read More »

How are you nurturing growth in your healthcare teams?

As a leader in healthcare, it’s not just about being in charge; It’s about taking care of those in your charge. How are you nurturing growth in your healthcare teams? I still remember my first leadership role in healthcare. It was exciting and nerve-racking. Leading a healthcare team involves more than just making decisions; it’s

How are you nurturing growth in your healthcare teams? Read More »

Not Everyone You Meet Will Like You.

Not everyone you meet will like you, Especially if you’re bold and confident. However, a lot more people will like you. Your focus shouldn’t be on the former. Instead, channel your energy towards those who like and appreciate you. Because: In life, we often find ourselves trying to win over sceptics. It’s human nature to

Not Everyone You Meet Will Like You. Read More »