♦️Dear medical students and fresh doctors, this post is especially for you.

♦️Learn from some of us and choose your speciality even before your final MBBS exams.

Don’t delay doing that, as choosing your field after graduation from medical school in Nigeria can be daunting.

♦️Before choosing, consider your interests, skills, personality, lifestyle preferences, and career goals.

You may also face limited training opportunities, financial constraints, and societal expectations.

♦️However, with careful planning and research, you can find a speciality that suits and fulfils your aspirations.

📌Here are some tips to aid in selecting your speciality.

1️⃣Explore your options.

Learn about the many medical specializations and what they entail.

You can speak with senior colleagues, mentors, or alumni with expertise in several fields and ask them about their job, problems, and satisfaction to gain an overview of the many disciplines, the pros and cons.

2️⃣Assess yourself.

Consider your personality qualities, hobbies, values, and strong and weak points.

What sort of job do you like to do?

Which patients do you want to care for?

What type of setting best suits you?

What lifestyle are you looking for?

3️⃣Narrow down your choices.

Based on your exploration and assessment, develop a list of specializations that fit your requirements and appeal to you.

Sort them in order of interest and appropriateness for you.

Contrast specialities based on pay, working hours, competition, and demand.

4️⃣Gain exposure.

Look for chances to get real-world experience in the fields you are interested in.

Participating in electives, rotations, observation ships, research projects, or extracurricular activities in your areas of interest can help you achieve this.

This exposure will support or refute your thoughts and provide greater insight into the reality and expectations of each specialization.

5️⃣Seek feedback.

Ask for feedback on your performance and potential in your chosen specializations from your mentors, peers, and superiors

Inquire about their honest opinions of your abilities, places for growth, and aptitude for various professions.


After completing the stages above, you should know your ideal speciality.

Assessing each option’s benefits and drawbacks requires using a pros and cons list if you are still unsure or have several possibilities.

You can also speak with dependable individuals who are familiar with you and can provide unbiased advice.

♦️Choosing a speciality is a major milestone in the life of a doctor. It is much better if it is done early and systematically.

♦️Plan well to enjoy your medical career.

Good luck!!


#career #training #opportunities #growth #medical #school

Connect with Ikechukwu Dominic Okoh. DM, if you are stuck with making a choice of speciality.