Is your team prepared for a crisis?

When a crisis occurs, it tests the team’s strengths and weaknesses, revealing their true character. In the healthcare industry, where people’s lives are at stake, the stakes are much higher.

For instance, during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014, the healthcare system faced a significant challenge. The outbreak exposed gaps in emergency medical response, healthcare management, and health financing. It brought attention to the pressing need for reformed leadership and teamwork in healthcare across Nigeria and other sub-Saharan countries.

However, crises can also provide an opportunity for transformation. They offer a chance to reflect on practices, refine systems, and correct inadequacies. They encourage the evolution of leadership styles and teamwork ethos ā€“ promoting proactive rather than reactive approaches, fostering collaboration over competition, and emphasizing empathy in addition to efficiency.

Since the Ebola outbreak, there has been significant progress in emergency medical response readiness and contingency planning in the healthcare sector. Emergency medicine, once an underrated field, is now recognised as an essential component of comprehensive healthcare delivery. However, we cannot afford to be complacent – much work still exists.

Remember, preparation is the key. As we strengthen our emergency medical response capabilities, we must invest in leadership development and team building. After all, having the right tools is not enough – we need the right people to use them effectively.